Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boat Safety and Summer...

It looks like spring has officially arrived here in North Texas. The skies are clear, school is nearly out and the bluebonnets are everywhere, making even traffic jams tolerable with their incredible beauty. There is just something about spring that brings a new found energy and beginning.
Folks spend more time outside this time of year. In Texas, that also means on the lake. We have more square miles of inland water than any other state. I have lots of memories being pulled behind a boat trying to get up on water skis. Thank goodness that was before personal video cameras. Remember those big orange life-jackets?
Speaking of life jackets, it is a law that anyone younger the age of 13 must be wearing one. Nearly 85% of all boating fatalities were not wearing a life jacket. Of course they don’t have to be the orange ones, just one that are coast guard approved, and they have come a long way baby. In fact, life jackets are a requirement for personal water crafts.
Be the “designated driver “and avoid alcoholic beverages while boating. Alcohol plays a role in 50% of all boating accidents. Boating while intoxicated carries penalties similar to driving while intoxicated.
It’s also a great idea to take a boater education class. They will tell you to maintain a 50 foot distance from other boats, personal water crafts and swimmers unless operating at an idle speed. They will also let you know that weekends between noon and 7PM are the busiest times on the lake, so operate your vessel at safe speeds, especially in crowded areas. Information can be found at the Texas Parks and Wildlife web pages.
Both of my sons love the lake. They spend hours perfecting their wake boarding flips including “front roll, back roll and half-cabs”. They post their pictures on various social networks. It’s an enormous workout. I know my heart rate increases when I see the photos! But most of all they have a great time with friends and family. That’s what spring and outdoors is about.
Until next time keep it safe and shipshape!

--Mary Ann
Injury Prevention Coordinator

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