Thursday, August 20, 2009

Growth Through Relationships

As a Patient Advocate for Texas Health Fort Worth, I’ve witnessed that proactive communication is one key in order to build trusting relationships between nursing staff and patients. Texas Health Fort Worth’s professional model of care is “relationship based” and like any relationship, proactive communication is pivotal to show patients what we already feel inside: that we personally care about patients therefore we’re taking the initiative to make their hospital stay excellent.

The following general scenario happens on a regular basis: I get a call to see a patient who has a concern. I talk to the patient’s nurse before going into their room who tells me that they have the patient’s medicine ready when I’m done speaking to them about their concern. I go talk to the patient whose concern is that they have not received their medicine yet.

Although not every situation is this simple, the underlying principle remains the same, proactive communication cultivates a trusting relationship between the caregiver and the patient. A patient’s hospital stay is usually a short term and unpredictable experience; therefore, every interaction with the patient is an important opportunity to nurture their trust in us. For example, when one nursing unit started to do daily morning rounds involving the unit manager, charge nurse, and other key members of the care team, their complaints decreased dramatically. In doing so, this care team sought after the patient’s questions before it became a concern and many patients felt empowered and safe to speak up as a result.

It’s always encouraging to see other proactive tools in action to help staff and patients facilitate communication like the hourly rounding technique to check on patients as well as giving a thorough nursing report during shift change. All caregiver relationships are challenging but the rewards of proactive communication makes it worthwhile for everyone involved.

- Craig Pomykal
Patient Advocate

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